If you have a lot of work to get done, or you’re a leader who wants to quantify the work that’s both completed and outstanding, then this guide to using story points is for you.
It’s common for teams to face challenges when trying to estimate workloads.
There can be disagreement about how much work something will take, or teams can feel overwhelmed by the undetermined but significant amount of work on their list.
One of the critical challenges in estimating workload is that the traditional approaches are both personal and subjective.
Story points and relative estimation provide you with a better option.
I've found using story points focused teams because it helped provide an objective shared measurement of how much effort work will take.
You can feel confident in how much work you have to do using a specific measurement for your workload without getting stuck in the weeds debating how many hours something will take.
We got you covered. This article will cover essential topics to help you feel confident using story points.
Story points are simply a numeric value assigned by the team to a given user story. This value represents the amount of work required to complete the user story.
Story Points help you estimate and forecast the work. They give a numeric value to quantify the amount of work a user story will take to complete. The whole team assigns each story a size based on how much work it will require.
These points guide how much work the team can take in a given sprint and when the team needs to break down a story further. The points assigned to a story are transparent to those inside and outside the team, creating a shared understanding of capacity and remaining work.
Let’s say you’ve got five people on your team. The backlog is full, and you’re ready to begin the first sprint. So how much work do you take?
Do we take five PBIs (Product Backlog Items), one for each of us? Some stories seem pretty big. Do we just take two? That doesn’t seem like much. How do we forecast how long it will take to get through this whole backlog?
These types of questions naturally arise in the Scrum framework, and thankfully we have tools of story points and velocity to help us answer them.
Personally, I've definitely had the bad habit of creating a daily to-do list with about a week's worth of work on it. It's not helpful. In fact, it becomes frustrating.
I've seen the same thing with teams I coach.
I've found using story points focused teams because it helped provide an objective shared measurement of how much effort work will take.
Story points are powerful because they use relative estimation.
Relative estimation or relative sizing is a method of measuring new workload relative to past workload.
In Scrum, you are not measuring work in absolute terms like hours spent or lines of code to be written. Because until you do the job, these are unknown and, at best just guesses. Absolute measurements include a lot of assumptions and trying to land on a specific absolute measurement wastes a lot of time in debate.
The problem with absolute sizing is you begin to measure the people, not the work.
When using relative estimation, the work is sized relative to past work already completed. So when looking at a new user story, the team asks, “Is this user story A most similar to this past user story B or this past user story C?”
As the team completes more work together, a shared work typology emerges. The sizing levels become apparent, and sizing becomes very natural and fluid for the team.
I’ll explain this more in the next section, but an essential element of relative sizing is the relationship between your units of measurement. Each size is relative to the previous two smaller sizes added together.
If you want to try relative estimation on your team, here are four steps to get you started.
It’s not overly complicated but requires discipline to avoid using absolute measurements like hours.
Let’s dive deeper into two relative estimation strategies you can use to quantify how much work a user story will take.
You want a concrete way to measure workload. Maybe you’ve tried relative estimation but keep slipping back to using absolute sizing, such as hours.
Having led teams for years, I know how important it is to clearly and accurately measure how much work specific tasks or projects will require.
I've trained teams to use story points to estimate their work and get the workload under control.
Here are the two most common strategies for relative estimation I’ve seen work for teams.
The Fibonacci sequence is the numbers you get when you start with 1 and 2, and then each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. So the sequence looks something like this.
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55…
This sequence helps give a sense of scale. For example, a story sized as an eight is about the same work as two stories sized as a three and a five put together.
The Fibonacci sequence gives enough space between numbers to keep the team from being bogged down in debate and more effectively reach a consensus. It also helps them more easily compare one task with another.
As the team completes more work together, a shared work typology emerges.
Sometimes I’ve seen it help teams to use higher numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, like 55, 89, 144, 233, and 377, because there is less temptation to correlate the numbers to something absolute like hours or days.
So what does this look like in practice?
If you’re a graphic designer, it may look like assigning points like this.
In this example, you’re saying a style guide is about as much work as a presentation template plus a series of Instagram templates.
Once you have these groups of example tasks, you can ask your team, “Is this new task more like a style guide or a presentation template?”
The Fibonacci sequence gives enough space between numbers to keep the team from being bogged down in debate and more effectively reach a consensus.
Once your team gets the hang of it, estimating is quick, and forecasting is even quicker. No more long debates about hours.
You can be confident in how much work something will take, and these numbers are very usable in calculations, making managers happy.
Great teams consistently deliver quality work. And every team needs a good way to measure both the work that’s been completed and the work still to do.
But some teams, especially non-technical teams, can struggle with some of the numerical approaches to estimating workload.
One common contributor to this struggle is that numeric measurements can lead teams to slide back into absolute sizing rather than relative sizing.
Using t-shirt sizes provides a concrete yet familiar scale for measuring your workload. And that’s what we’re going to cover in this post.
Having led teams for years, I know how important it is to clearly and accurately measure how much work specific tasks or projects will require.
I've trained multiple teams to use story points to estimate their work and get the workload under control.
T-shirt sizing was the perfect solution when I was rolling out Scrum across the creative department.
Story points are powerful because they use relative estimation.
I’ve also seen it applied in organizations leveraging volunteers who didn’t have as much organizational context and a wide variety of experience and expertise.
T-shirt sizing is exactly what it sounds like.
It uses sizes like XS, S, M, L, and XL.. to represent the relative size of different user stories.
Similar to the Fibonacci Sequence, each size is considered the sum of the previous two. So an M is about the size of an XS and S combined.
If you want to use t-shirt sizing on your team, begin by looking at work you’ve completed in the past year. Group them by how much work/effort they required. Adjust these groups of tasks in order to apply the t-shirt size labels to them.
Now when you encounter a new user story that needs sizing, look at the groups you’ve created and ask, “is this new task more like the tasks in the M group or the tasks in the S group?
One caution is not to tie it back to time.
I’ve been on teams who considered a small 3 days of work, a medium was a week’s worth of work, and an L was 2 weeks. While this connection to time helped them start quickly estimating, it handicapped them from the benefits of relative sizing.
One of the critical challenges in estimating workload is that the traditional approaches are both personal and subjective.
Even after that team had a library of sized items to compare to, it was hard for them to break away from the idea of hours, resulting in long unnecessary debates about how long work would take.
Measuring user stories in days, weeks, or hours is a common pitfall many teams struggle with.
One downside to the t-shirt sizing method being non-numeric is that you will need to convert it to numbers to calculate the team's velocity and forecast future delivery.
So you see, the t-shirt sizing method for user stories is pretty straightforward and has the benefit of referencing a familiar sizing framework. It also doesn't feel overly technical, which is good for some teams.
Once your team gets the hang of using t-shirt sizing, estimating will go quickly, and you’ll feel confident in how much work something will take.
Sizing is a whole team activity, and planning poker helps get everyone involved.
Each team member has the same hand of cards, including the numbers 3, 5, 8, and 13 (or whatever sizing levels the team has decided to use). The product owner will introduce a story, and team members can ask questions if they need more clarity.
Then they will simultaneously each play the card they feel represents the size of that story. Everyone plays the cards simultaneously so that nobody’s choice influences another.
Everyone looks at the cards and then discusses them. Let’s say someone puts down a 5, another puts down a 13, and everyone else puts down an 8. The team would ask those who put down the 5 and 13 to share why.
Using t-shirt sizes provides a concrete yet familiar scale for measuring your workload.
Maybe the person who played the 5 has a plugin or template to help the work go much faster. Perhaps the person who played the 13 is aware of an issue the team will encounter with that story. This discussion and shared understanding are why we play planning poker.
This open discussion leverages the experience and insight of the team. After discussing the reasons for playing the cards, everyone gathers up their cards, chooses a card they think best represents the size of the user story and plays their cards simultaneously.
If there is disagreement, they discuss it as a team. They will repeat this inspection of the stories until reaching a consensus about the size.
Leaning Scrum for the first time can be a bit overwhelming. There are many new terms and concepts in Scrum.
Well we’re here to help.
While sizing work is generally straightforward, there are some pitfalls to avoid.
I've helped multiple teams transition to using relative sizing to measure and forecast their work.
One of the biggest pitfalls I see is using hours to estimate how much work a user story or task will take.
I want to help you avoid that pitfall.
We're used to measuring things in time. It’s how things work for a lot of our lives. And it mostly works because we’re measuring time personally. How long will this take for me to do at this time?
When you measure work in hours rather than story points, you’re not measuring the work. You’re measuring the person.
But that question is particular to who the person is and when they’re doing the task. For absolution measurement in hours, you need to include a lot of assumptions. And that’s why teams run into so much trouble when they try to use hours to measure their shared future work.
Let’s look at an example in everyday life.
You need to drive somewhere. How long does it take to get there? (and for the sake of the example, pretend you can’t ask Google)
Well, the answer depends on whose driving. How heavy is their foot? And it depends on the time of day and traffic. Is it rush hour or 2 am?
This is similar to estimating how long work will take. Who's doing it? What else is happening at that time?
But what if you used the same relative estimation approach from story points instead?
Relative estimation or relative sizing is a method of measuring new workload relative to past workload.
Is the drive you’re wondering about more like going to school, the store, or the gym? Or is it like driving downtown? Wherever you live, you likely have an intuitive sense of how long each of those drives would be able to quickly compare some other drive relative to them.
The relative estimation approach for story points allows consistent estimation across team members and even across teams.
When you measure work in hours rather than story points, you’re not measuring the work. You’re measuring the person.
Not everyone works at the same pace or has the same expertise and experience. The same task might take a junior designer the better part of a day but only take a senior designer an hour or two. So is the task a 2-hour task or an 8-hour one?
The problem with absolute sizing is you begin to measure the people, not the work. Relative sizing measures the new work against past work shared by the whole team.
Sizing in Scrum happened during the backlog refinement session; at that point, the team doesn’t know who will do the work.
This problem can arise even when teams aren’t trying to use hours to measure their user stories.
I’ve heard members of a team using t-shirt sizing say things like, “Well that may be a L for you but it’s only a S for me.” That comment missed the whole point of relative sizing. They’ve stumbled into the pitfall of measuring the person rather than measuring the work.
When teams are just learning Scrum, it's typical not to have many discussions when sizing tasks during backlog refinement. This situation is often because team members don’t yet feel confident in the process or just want the meeting to go quickly.
Discussion is critical because it leverages the whole team's experience surfacing possible issues they may encounter with a given task. Or a team member may share a lesson learned from a past experience that allows this new task to be completed quicker.
Planning poker can help a team to facilitate the user story sizing discussion.
Mismanaging the discussion is a pitfall you can fall into more than just one way. I’ve seen teams do the opposite and spend forever discussing how long something should take. If you call something a M and later realize it was a S or a L, it’s ok. You can discuss and evaluate this during the retrospective session.
Getting started with story points.
We covered a lot in this post. If you want to continue learning how to use story points and relative estimation on your team, here are some great resources:
If you want to learn about other elements of Scrum, here are a few articles to start with. If you want a deeper dive, check out my What is Scrum? A Guide for Everyday People to Learn Scrum or my collection of Agile how-to videos on Youtube. If you have more questions, please feel free to reach out on LinkedIn.
Still not sure about your next step with Scrum? I offer a couple of free coaching sessions each month. You can signup for a free 30-minute coaching session, and we can work together to identify an excellent next step for you.
They aren’t absolute measurements like hours or days but measure the amount of work a PBI takes relative to other PBIs. Typical measurements include using Fibonacci numbers or t-shirt sizes.
Learn to use story points and explore the essential Scrum glossary.
In Scrum, you are not measuring work in absolute terms like hours spent or lines of code to be written. Two reasons for this:
The problem with absolute sizing using hours is you begin to measure the people, not the work. Relative sizing measures the new work against past work shared by the whole team. Instead, the work is sized relative to past work already completed. So when looking at a new user story, the team asks, “Is this user story A most similar to this past user story B or this past user story C?”
Learn other essential Scrum terms.
The Fibonacci sequence is the go-to solution for many Scrum teams because it allows for relative sizing while still being a numeric measurement. It has two key advantages:
Non-numeric options are still possible, and one of the most popular is using t-shirt sizing, like small, medium and large. Lean more about using story points or learn other essential Scrum terms.
This measurement allows the product owner to forecast when future features will be ready. It is calculated by averaging how many points the team has complete over the past few sprints.
Learn to forecast in Scrum using velocity and explore the essential Scrum glossary.
They keep the team focused on the value they create for the end-user and are written using the following format:
See examples of user stories to learn to write your own and explore the essential Scrum glossary.
Acceptance criteria is written using the following structure:
Learn more about how acceptance criteria is used in Scrum and explore the essential Scrum glossary.
A user story focuses on the identity, goals and motivations of the user you’re designing for. It emphasizes the why of the new functionality.
Acceptance Criteria focuses on the action taken by the user to meet their goal. It highlights the what of the new functionality.
See more acceptance criteria examples and learn to write acceptance criteria or learn other essential scrum terms.
Acceptance criteria is structured using the template
Here are 3 examples:
Checkout process functionality
Advertising campaign
Marketing campaign (Did you know you could use Scrum for marketing)
See more acceptance criteria examples and learn to write how to create your own or learn other essential scrum terms.
They aren’t absolute measurements like hours or days but measure the amount of work a PBI takes relative to other PBIs. Typical measurements include using Fibonacci numbers or t-shirt sizes.
Learn to use story points and explore the essential Scrum glossary.
Scrum is founded on three essential pillars, and each leads the team to ask a critical question.
Learn how to apply the three pillars of Scrum and then explore the most common terms in a Scrum glossary.
There are five values critical to the practice of Scrum: commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect.
Learn how to align Scrum values with your organization and then explore the most common terms in a Scrum glossary.
The sprint goal encapsulates the product owner’s vision into a concrete statement for the development team to measure the sprint against. The sprint goal provides a theme for the sprint’s work helping the team see how all the parts come together.
Learn more about the role of the sprint goal in scrum and explore the essential Scrum glossary.
Scrum is founded on three essential pillars leading teams to ask the following questions:
Further explore the definition of scrum. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.
This is because Scrum’s simplicity makes learning easy, but Scrum truly changes how you work, and that adjustment can be difficult. It changes power dynamics and expectations within the team and between the team and the rest of the organization.
You can explore further is Scrum hard to learn, along with the pros and cons of Scrum. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.
Scrum was initially used as a term related to project management in 1986 by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka in their paper “New New Product Development Game” In the Harvard Business Review. The first recorded Scrum project came a little later in 1993 from Jeff Sutherland.
You can learn more about Scrum’s backstory. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.
Learning Scrum for the first time can be overwhelming. There are a lot of new terms and concepts in Scrum. I’ve listed the most common terms in a Scrum glossary.
There are actually two backlogs, the product backlog and the sprint backlog. They each contain the definitive list of work to be done. The product owner keeps the backlog ordered by priority.
Learn to use the backlog in Scrum and check out the sprint backlog vs product backlog in Scrum.
The product backlog prioritizes the features needed in the product. It is a singular visible source of requirements for the product.
The sprint backlog represents the work to do in a given sprint. It is a definitive list of all the scrum team is being asked to produce for the sprint.
Learn more about the sprint backlog vs product backlog in Scrum.
Each item in the backlog represents precise work and value to deliver. Often these PBIs are written using both user stories and acceptance criteria. The PBIs are what gets refined during the backlog refinement session, and if one is too large, it may be broken down into smaller PBIs.
Learn more about how backlogs are used in scrum, the sprint backlog vs product backlog in Scrum and explore the essential Scrum glossary.
The Scrum sprint backlog is a prioritized list of items from the product backlog that the development team plans to complete during the upcoming sprint.
It is a plan for the Sprint and is created during the Sprint Planning meeting where the Development Team decides on how to build the functionality that meets the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Backlog typically includes user stories, bugs, technical work, and other items that the development team needs to work on during the sprint. Each item in the Sprint Backlog has a clear definition of done, so the team knows when the item is considered complete.
The Development Team is responsible for creating and updating their Sprint Backlog throughout the Sprint, making sure they are on track to meet the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Backlog is a working document that helps the Development Team visualize their progress and make any necessary adjustments to their plan as they go along. The Sprint Backlog is also transparent, allowing stakeholders to see what work is being done during the Sprint.
Learn more about the backlogs of Scrum.
In Scrum, the product backlog is a prioritized list of features, bugs, technical work, and other product-related items that need to be addressed by the development team.
It serves as a single source of truth for what needs to be done on the product.
The items in the product backlog are ordered based on their importance to the product owner and the value they bring to the end-user. As the project progresses, the product backlog is constantly updated to reflect new priorities, changes in requirements, and feedback from stakeholders.
The product backlog is a living document that evolves throughout the project's lifecycle. It provides transparency and enables collaboration among all members of the Scrum team.
Learn more about the backlogs in Scrum.
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