How to conduct a retrospective in Scrum?

Including sprint retrospective examples

July 31, 2023
Team Retro Session

Adopting Scrum introduces several new meetings. Suppose your team is trying to work more efficiently. In that case, it’s understandable to be wary of extra appointments. 

I’ve seen leaders be tempted not to do the retrospective or reduce it to every other sprint. That is a mistake.

The retrospective is an essential part of practicing Scrum. If you’re a new Scrum Master or part of a team newly adopting Scrum, this article will show you the value of a retrospective and how to practice it well.

Key Points:

  • The retrospective means you don’t have to be perfect when starting Scrum.
  • Your Scrum team will be shaped by how it participates in the retrospective.
  • Outline an easily repeatable process for you to run a Scrum retrospective.
  • How to take your retro to the next level.

The retrospective occurs at the end of the sprint, and I like scheduling it right after the sprint review. Together the scrum team (product owner, scrum master, and development team) focuses on self-improvement. The tone is positive and productive, focused on improving the team. 

Let’s take a deeper look at the Scrum Retrospective.

New to Scrum? The Scrum meeting checklist has all the details you need to run effective Scrum meetings.

The retrospective means you don’t have to be perfect when starting Scrum.

I’ve seen many teams delay Scrum because they want to figure everything out and have it perfect before they begin. While I admire a commitment to excellence, your team will learn Scrum best by practicing it. You will make mistakes and will need to make adjustments. But in Scrum, this is built into the process. 

The retrospective isn’t focused on the work being done; it’s focused on the team

Scrum assumes things need to change. Agility is a core feature. When you consider the core concepts of Scrum, you want to make things visible so they can be evaluated and then adapted as needed. The retrospective is a crucial moment for the team to practice this. 

The retrospective isn’t focused on the work being done; it’s focused on the team. The team sets aside the time to review how they are performing. They look at their relationship, their processes and their tools. 

The retrospective prioritizes effectiveness over efficiency by allocating time and focusing on evaluating and adapting. The team may discover how they can communicate or collaborate better. They may identify a gap in their definition of done or their current backlog refinement process. There might be a critical skill missing from the team, and during the retrospective, they identify what needs to be done and make a plan for it. 

In seven habits of highly effective people, Franklin Covey talks about the importance of sharpening the saw. The retrospective sharpens the saw for the Scrum team. They improve their process, skills, and collaboration by making their work visible, honestly evaluating it, and making the needed adjustments.

Because the Scrum team does this at the end of every sprint, you don’t have to get it perfect before you start. Are you debating between a one or two-week sprint? Pick one and have the team evaluate the cadence after the first few sprints. Not sure if having the Standup in the morning or afternoon is better. Pick one and let the team assess and adapt.

It may take a few sprints for the team to realize they have the agency to make these adjustments. But once they do, it will be incredibly empowering, and you begin to see an environment where innovation can thrive.

Your Scrum team will be shaped by how it participates in the retrospective.

The respective is an active meeting. To be successful, the whole team must fully engage, and it requires honesty, vulnerability and trust. But when done well, the retro also grows and strengthens these same qualities in the Scrum team.

The product owner, scrum master, and development team are all present for the retrospective. The scrum master may facilitate everyone to learn the process for the first few times. But once the team understands how the retro works, everyone comes to it with shared responsibility for it to be effective and fruitful.

Each Scrum team member should be a full participant, bringing observations and feedback. The whole team also owns the future by working together to identify and plan a solution. 

Here are a few examples of changes and how different roles on the team help bring it to fruition.

  • Observation: We started by pre-assigning all the work at the beginning of the sprint, but it never worked out how we planned, and then dev team members felt like they had to do “somebody else’s work” even though the whole team should own all the work collectively.
  • Solution: Assign work as it becomes active. Work on one thing at a time. Stop starting and start finishing.
  • Roles: This one is mainly on the dev team to practice as the select work within the sprint. But the scrum master could help the team keep their commitment by observing who’s doing what as team members share during the standup.

  • Observation: The team is producing great graphic design work, but when they need to make updates to ongoing marketing campaigns, the editable files are frequently hard to locate.
  • Solution:  The team decides to add “upload editable files to the drive” to their definition of done.
  • Roles: Like most changes, the whole team will own this change. But the scrum master can help them keep the commitment by reminding them of the new definition of done as they complete work during the next few sprints.

  • Observation: The team is building out many web properties and can’t keep up when building everything from scratch.
  • Solution: They need a new tool to complete the work faster. Some team members will also need to spend time learning the new tool.
  • Roles: Both the product owner and scrum master will likely advocate for the budget needed for the new tool to remove this obstacle from the team. The product owner may also create and prioritize an internal user story for the team.

The Scrum essentials of visibility, evaluation, and adaption in the retro are also present in the daily Scrum. By practicing this each day, the team increases the competence and confidence needed to grow together as a team effectively.

Outline an easily repeatable process for you to run a Scrum retrospective.

Communicating open and honest feedback is essential to healthy communication. Unfortunately, it's not a ubiquitous skill and will likely need some cultivating on your Scrum team. 

Here are three strategies you can use to help you facilitate a compelling retrospective.

  1. Provide pre-work to help the Scrum team reflect on the experience of the sprint.
  2. Set ground rules for healthy, productive communication.
  3. Use activities to facilitate the conversation.

Provide pre-work to help the Scrum team reflect on the experience of the sprint.

People are different, some are internal processors, and some are external. Some want to know what will happen ahead of time, and others just take it as it comes. Many people need a little prep to help them effectively engage in the retrospective.

This reality is especially true if you have a new Scrum team. Over time, the team will have the benefit of trust built from many healthy retros. But at the beginning, they may be coming from less than healthy teams and feeling unsure about this new one. 

Part of the scrum master’s role is to help the team learn and practice Scrum. The retrospective is a crucial part. The scrum master can send out communication 2-3 days before the retro explaining the process and providing some questions to help prompt team members to reflect on the sprint. The day before the retro, at the end of the Standup, they can verbally remind the team and reference their already set communication.

It might look something like this.

Hey, team. Friday, we will have our first retro together. It’s a time for us to pause and reflect on how things are going, how we’re working together and identify steps we can take to get even better. Here are a couple of questions you can consider to help you prepare for the time.

  • How did the sprint go regarding people, relationships, processes and tools
  • What went well?
  • Where could we potentially improve?

Set ground rules for healthy, productive communication

Not everyone has experience giving and receiving beneficial feedback. It can be helpful to set some communication ground rules, especially for a new team. Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • Don’t interrupt or talk over one another.
  • Use “I statements” rather than “you statements.”
  • Remember, we’re trying to improve, not blame.

The Scrum master could send these out ahead of time or introduce them at the beginning of the first retro to help the team learn. The team can even evaluate and adapt these ground rules as they need. In Scrum, everything can be agile.

Use activities to facilitate the conversation.

A little structure can help provide the safety to get the conversation started. Here are a couple of classic retro games your Scrum team can use to help facilitate the discussion.

Mad, Sad, Glad: 

Outline three spaces to put stickies notes in. 

  1. What made you mad? 
  2. What made you sad? 
  3. What made you glad?

Write your experiences from the sprint, 1 per note, and place them on the board in the related category. Let everyone do it individually. Once they’re done, ask if anyone wants to explain their note or ask questions about someone else’s note.

Liked, learned, lacked, and longed for

This activity is the same concept as mad, sad, glad, just with different categories. Each member writes out their sprint experience. 

  • What did you like?
  • What did you learn?
  • What was lacking as a team?
  • What do you long for on the team?

Start, Stop, Continue

One more category activity. This one is probably the most simple. Team members share their sprint experience through three questions.

  • What should we start doing?
  • What should we stop doing?
  • What should we continue doing?

ROI timeline

This one is a little different. You draw a horizontal line across a board to represent the timeline of the sprint. The left is the beginning of the sprint the right is the end. Above the line are positive experiences; below the line are negative ones. 

The team then uses sticky notes to capture their experiences or observations and places them horizontally according to when during the sprint they happened and vertically according to whether they were positive or negative. Place more positive experiences higher, further above the line and more negative ones lower.

You can even use some of the questions from these other games to help prompt the team as they think about the sprint. 

This exercise helps the team visually see the sprint as it unfolded. Sometimes this visual representation of time uncovers a causal relationship providing the team with insight into why things went the way they did. The team can then identify how they will improve.

Scrum has a lot of meetings and it can be hard to keep them straight, especially when you're getting started.

The Scrum meeting checklist has all the details you need to run effective Scrum meetings.

Taking the Retrospective to the next Sprint

You’ve finished the retrospective, and there is greater visibility into how the team is working. You’ve evaluated and identified both strengths to build on and improvement areas. How do you apply this understanding to help the team adapt and grow?

Change in how the team operates

  • Maybe the timing of the daily scrum is a problem for some team members. Go ahead and reschedule it to a better time beginning in the next sprint.
  • Does the definition of done need to be updated for an additional quality check. Add it now before ending the meeting.

Change to the work the team will do

  • Is a new skill needed on the team to effectively do the necessary work?  Create an internal user story for the following sprint to allocate the time required. 
  • Is there a process that needs to be redesigned for effective collaboration? Decide which upcoming sprint to add a user story for this work.

In both of these cases, don’t wait to begin making changes. If the team seems unsure of the adjustment to make, then consider the next sprint an experiment to try out an alternative. It’s essential for the team to take the insights gained from the retro and create a plan to improve how they work together.

Action Plan

I hope this article provided helpful guidance for running efficient and effective Scrum retrospective sessions. If you want to learn more about Scrum in general, check out my What is Scrum? A Guide for Everyday People to Learn Scrum. If you have more questions, please feel free to reach out on LinkedIn.

Frequently Asked Questions

Scrum events overview

What are the Scrum events?

The rhythm of scrum consists of various events.

  • Sprint planning
  • Daily standup 
  • Backlog refinement
  • Sprint review
  • Sprint retrospective
  • The sprint

The last on the list is sometimes debated as to whether or not it’s actually a scrum event. I include it because it's critical to creating a cadence of work for the team. 

Learn more about the rhythm of scrum. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

What scrum events are timeboxed?

Most scrum events are timeboxed relative to the length of the sprint:

  • Sprint planning: 2 hours / sprint week.
  • Daily standup: 15 minutes.
  • Backlog refinement: 2 hours / sprint week.
  • Sprint review: 1 hour / sprint week.
  • Retrospective: 45 minutes / sprint week.

Just because an event has a timebox doesn’t mean it needs to be that long. The timebox is the maximum time allowed for the event.

Learn more about the different scrum events. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

When should scrum events be held?

Scrum events are generally held in the following order

The backlog refinement session is unique in that it can be held anytime. 

Explore further the events of scrum. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Which scrum event is most important?

I included this because it is frequently asked, but the question misunderstands the importance of the scrum events. It’s like asking which of your limbs is most important. You may be able to answer, but they are really all critical. 

If pressed for an answer, the daily scrum probably has the greatest impact on the team's effectiveness. 

Learn more about the events in scrum. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Ending a sprint

What is a sprint review in scrum?

Various stakeholders and subject matter experts from across the organization attend to give feedback.

Learn how to run a sprint review. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

How to run a scrum retrospective?

The tone is positive and productive, focused on improving the team. 

Three strategies for a compelling retrospective include

  1. Provide pre-work for the scrum team to reflect on the sprint experience.
  2. Set ground rules for healthy, productive communication.
  3. Use activities to facilitate the conversation.

Learn how you can facilitate a scrum retrospective. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Facilitating scrum events

How to facilitate scrum events?

Scrum events have a clear purpose and agenda but are still very interactive. Facilitation of scrum events is at its best when everyone is engaged, asking or responding to questions. All events are timeboxed, so the facilitator must ensure the team is always moving toward the goal.

Learn more about team member's responsibilities during scrum events. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

How to improve scrum events?

Three strategies for increasing participation in scrum meetings are

  1. Clearly state the goal. Sometimes people don’t engage because they are unsure about the purpose.
  2. Use facilitation games. There are many facilitation exercises available for the scrum events.
  3. Invite feedback. Inspection is a pillar of scrum. Ask the team for feedback on what went well and how to improve.

Learn more about everyone’s roles and responsibilities during the scrum events. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Who facilitates (or owns) scrum events?

Scrum cultivates shared ownership for all the events, but each still has a facilitator.

Learn more about everyone’s roles and responsibilities during the scrum events. Then explore the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Does the scrum master facilitate all the scrum events?

The scrum master primarily facilitates two scrum events:

  1. Sprint planning
  2. The retrospective

The scrum master can help facilitate other meetings while a new team is beginning to learn scrum.

Learn more about roles during scrum events. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Scrum events purpose

What is the goal of each Scrum event?

  • ‍Sprint planning: Clarify the direction and goal for the sprint. 
  • Daily standup: Everyone on the team gains updated visibility into everyone’s work. 
  • Backlog refinement: Understand upcoming work.
  • Sprint review: Present finished work to stakeholders for feedback.‍
  • Sprint retrospective: Review how the team works and make necessary adjustments.

Understand the purpose of the scrum meetings. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Which scrum events facilitate inspection and adaptation?

Inspection and adaptation (along with transparency) are pillars of scrum, so all events involve them.

  • Sprint planning: the purpose and work of the sprint are inspected.
  • Daily standup: progress toward the sprint goal is inspected, and adjustments are made.
  • Backlog refinement: upcoming work is inspected, and PBIs are adapted.
  • Sprint review: delivered work is inspected, and upcoming work is adapted
  • Retrospective: team health and interactions are inspected, and norms or plans are adapted.

Learn more about the role of events in scrum. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Which scrum event is for process improvement?

Process improvement aligns closely with the scrum pillars of transparency, inspection and adaptation.

  • Sprint planning: How do we improve the product?
  • Daily standup: How do we improve our approach to the sprint goal?
  • Backlog refinement: How do we improve the quality of the product backlog?
  • Sprint review: How do we improve the functionality being delivered?
  • Retrospective: How do we improve how our team works together?

Out of all the events, the retrospective is the most focused on process improvement.

Learn more about events in scrum. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

What is the goal of the scrum of scrum event?

The scrum of scrums is an extra scrum event used when multiple scrum teams are collaborating together on a single product.

The scrum of scrums follows a similar pattern to the daily scrum session. The session allows the teams to update each other on what has been done, what obstacles have been encountered, and what to do next.

The scrum of scrums allows those teams to stay in sync and account for dependencies that bridge across teams. When facilitated well with healthy teams the scrum of scrum can even create collective ownership you see in self organizing teams.

If multiple scrum teams are collaborating on a single product then ideally both teams care more about it the product as a whole succeeds versus just caring if they did their part. The transparency, evaluation and adaptation from the scrum or scrums can make this possible.

To learn more explore the most common terms in a Scrum glossary.

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