Scrum events purpose

Here are some commonly asked questions about this topic.

What is the goal of each Scrum event?

  • ‍Sprint planning: Clarify the direction and goal for the sprint. 
  • Daily standup: Everyone on the team gains updated visibility into everyone’s work. 
  • Backlog refinement: Understand upcoming work.
  • Sprint review: Present finished work to stakeholders for feedback.‍
  • Sprint retrospective: Review how the team works and make necessary adjustments.

Understand the purpose of the scrum meetings. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

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Which scrum events facilitate inspection and adaptation?

Inspection and adaptation (along with transparency) are pillars of scrum, so all events involve them.

  • Sprint planning: the purpose and work of the sprint are inspected.
  • Daily standup: progress toward the sprint goal is inspected, and adjustments are made.
  • Backlog refinement: upcoming work is inspected, and PBIs are adapted.
  • Sprint review: delivered work is inspected, and upcoming work is adapted
  • Retrospective: team health and interactions are inspected, and norms or plans are adapted.

Learn more about the role of events in scrum. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

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Which scrum event is for process improvement?

Process improvement aligns closely with the scrum pillars of transparency, inspection and adaptation.

  • Sprint planning: How do we improve the product?
  • Daily standup: How do we improve our approach to the sprint goal?
  • Backlog refinement: How do we improve the quality of the product backlog?
  • Sprint review: How do we improve the functionality being delivered?
  • Retrospective: How do we improve how our team works together?

Out of all the events, the retrospective is the most focused on process improvement.

Learn more about events in scrum. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

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What is the goal of the scrum of scrum event?

The scrum of scrums is an extra scrum event used when multiple scrum teams are collaborating together on a single product.

The scrum of scrums follows a similar pattern to the daily scrum session. The session allows the teams to update each other on what has been done, what obstacles have been encountered, and what to do next.

The scrum of scrums allows those teams to stay in sync and account for dependencies that bridge across teams. When facilitated well with healthy teams the scrum of scrum can even create collective ownership you see in self organizing teams.

If multiple scrum teams are collaborating on a single product then ideally both teams care more about it the product as a whole succeeds versus just caring if they did their part. The transparency, evaluation and adaptation from the scrum or scrums can make this possible.

To learn more explore the most common terms in a Scrum glossary.

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