Sprint Backlog vs. Product Backlog

Wondering how the sprint and product backlogs compare in Scrum?

Learn how the Scrum Sprint Backlog and the Scrum Product Backlog are similar and different.

This video will cover:

  • What is the Product Backlog in Scrum?
  • What is the Sprint Backlog in Scrum?
  • Example of how the Product and Sprint Backlogs work together.


Reflection Questions

  • What are you currently using to organize the work you or your team needs to do?
  • What is the most significant challenge you face when trying to focus on completing work?
  • What system do you currently use to prioritize your work?

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A backlog is an essential tool for collecting and organizing the work that you need to get done. And Scrum takes us to another level by creating both a product and a Sprint backlog, King said. Today here on Everyday Design, I'm going to cover the differences between the sprint and the product backlog and how to use them together. So let's go.

Have you ever had a to do list that grew faster than you could get things done? Or maybe you began working on something and halfway through someone came in and told you, No, wait, no, this is now more important and you switched focus and you start to make progress there. And then they came in again said, no, now focus on this.

Well, that is both really frustrating and really common. It occurs in both small and large organizations. It helps to have a list, but if everyone can change, add to reorder your list, then how can you make progress? I watched teams get sidetracked as executives take turns coming in and reprioritizing everyone's work to their favorite projects. But I've also helped these same kind of teams use Scrum’s two backlog approach to create a safe space of focus to get the work done that they've already agreed to.

So the purpose of a backlog is to delineate both the scope, the priority and the focus and the scrum. There are two backlogs. Like I said before, there's a product backlog and the sprint backlog and the product backlog. It establishes the scope and the priority for the project. So if it's not in the product backlog, then it's not part of the plan.

The product backlog has priority that's demonstrated in the order. So you keep the higher priority, more defined things top the lower priority, less defined things towards the bottom. And that ordering is the job of the product owner. They synthesize input from stakeholders, team members, customers, everybody as they figure out what's the value in that backlog. The product backlog helps answer the question Is this work part of the project?

But because the product backlog is somewhat exhaustive, it is constantly changing and adapting. It's not a great list for the team to work from, and that's where the sprint backlog comes in. And so the Sprint backlog, it clarifies what is the team focused on during this sprint for the duration of their sprint? If it's outside the sprint backlog, like if it's still over here in the product backlog, then they're not focused on it right now.

They're not doing it during the sprint. The expectation is that everything in the Sprint backlog will get completed within that sprint and that the team is protected from having anything else added thrown in their mid-sprint. So the Sprint backlog is essentially the team's sprint to do list. It doesn't change, which is great. So let's look at kind of a workflow.

How does work make it into these backlogs? So you kind of see it in action. So let's say after engaging with stakeholders, team members or customers, the product owner creates a product backlog item or PBI They will then order it within the product backlog according to priority, kind of balancing the value it delivers with all the other items in there and considering any timing factors to do something later on depend on getting it done.

Next the Scrum Team will review items during the backlog refinement session and they'll ask clarifying questions to better understand hey, what's what's this. But problem is is solving what value are we delivering? Then you probably use things like user stories or acceptance criteria to define that. They may add some other details to the PBI and they'll probably use story points to help size the PVI.

In story points is just a measurement that helps estimate how much work it takes to get something done. At this point, the product owner might reorder that PBI within the backlog. Now they have that increased clarity, but they don't have to. That's not a that's not a requirement. So, okay, now we move forward. We got the product backlog item defined.

It's in the the list. Everyone knows what it is. It's time for the new sprint to begin. The team will select the top items from the product backlog and move them to their sprint backlog. And during the sprint they'll focus on just the sprint backlog, choosing items, completing them, moving on, picking another one, completing it and just working their way through.

Now when the sprint concludes, all those completed items are presented during the Sprint Review, they're considered done. Everyone celebrates. Now sometimes something doesn't get done. If it isn't accepted by the product owner, it may that the PBI may get adjusted and added back into the product backlog, and maybe it doesn't. A couple of other notes regarding backlogs, both backlogs, the product and the sprint, are visible to others outside the team.

Stakeholders can see what work is active or coming up and if anyone wants to know how long till this future feature that's here in the product backlog is still delivered, the PO can just look at what work is ahead of it, how many story points does it take, what's the team's velocity? And they can estimate that because that's the backlog is ordered by how they're going to get it done.

You can use scrums, backlogs to protect your team's focus, allowing them to get the highest value work done. I really love how the Sprint backlog protects the team and provides safety by giving them a block of time that's theirs to focus and get the valuable, the selected work complete. Using scrums backlogs you can say goodbye to new coming in and sabotaging the previously selected work or having the team spread so thin across so much work that they don't really finish anything and everything kind of sits at 80% done.

So let's not do that anymore. Check out the product and sprint backlogs from Scrum if you want. There's a lot more resources down in the description and I hope you found this video helpful. If you want more content like it, please like and subscribe. Thanks.

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Scrum backlog

What is the backlog in Scrum?

There are actually two backlogs, the product backlog and the sprint backlog. They each contain the definitive list of work to be done. The product owner keeps the backlog ordered by priority. 

Learn to use the backlog in Scrum and check out the sprint backlog vs product backlog in Scrum.

How are the product backlog and sprint backlog different?

The product backlog prioritizes the features needed in the product. It is a singular visible source of requirements for the product.

The sprint backlog represents the work to do in a given sprint. It is a definitive list of all the scrum team is being asked to produce for the sprint. 

Learn more about the sprint backlog vs product backlog in Scrum.

What is a PBI (product backlog item)?

Each item in the backlog represents precise work and value to deliver. Often these PBIs are written using both user stories and acceptance criteria. The PBIs are what gets refined during the backlog refinement session, and if one is too large, it may be broken down into smaller PBIs.

Learn more about how backlogs are used in scrum, the sprint backlog vs product backlog in Scrum and explore the essential Scrum glossary.

What is the Scrum sprint backlog?

The Scrum sprint backlog is a prioritized list of items from the product backlog that the development team plans to complete during the upcoming sprint.

It is a plan for the Sprint and is created during the Sprint Planning meeting where the Development Team decides on how to build the functionality that meets the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Backlog typically includes user stories, bugs, technical work, and other items that the development team needs to work on during the sprint. Each item in the Sprint Backlog has a clear definition of done, so the team knows when the item is considered complete.

The Development Team is responsible for creating and updating their Sprint Backlog throughout the Sprint, making sure they are on track to meet the Sprint Goal. The Sprint Backlog is a working document that helps the Development Team visualize their progress and make any necessary adjustments to their plan as they go along. The Sprint Backlog is also transparent, allowing stakeholders to see what work is being done during the Sprint.

Learn more about the backlogs of Scrum.

What is the Scrum product backlog?

In Scrum, the product backlog is a prioritized list of features, bugs, technical work, and other product-related items that need to be addressed by the development team.

It serves as a single source of truth for what needs to be done on the product.

The items in the product backlog are ordered based on their importance to the product owner and the value they bring to the end-user. As the project progresses, the product backlog is constantly updated to reflect new priorities, changes in requirements, and feedback from stakeholders.

The product backlog is a living document that evolves throughout the project's lifecycle. It provides transparency and enables collaboration among all members of the Scrum team.

Learn more about the backlogs in Scrum.

Scrum elements

What is the definition of done?

The definition of done is a list of what must be true to consider a PBI done. The whole team creates and agrees to what is in the definition of done and is updated as needed for the team to function effectively. 

Learn to use the definition of done and explore acceptance criteria vs definition of done.

What is the increment in scrum?

It is the next complete piece added to build the product. The increment is complete in the sense that it should be ready to release to the end-user even if the team chooses to wait.

Learn more about incremental and iterative development or explore the essential Scrum glossary.

Scrum team

How does a scrum team work?

The scrum team is made up of the product owner, scrum master and development team. They each play important roles.

  • The product owner maximizes the value delivered by the product.
  • The scrum master maximizes the impact of the development team.
  • The development team transforms the product vision into reality.

Learn more about how a scrum team works together. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Is a Scrum Master a project manager?

Project managers and scrum masters differ in where they focus and what they emphasize. 

The project manager is focused first on the work. Does the project have everything it needs to get done? The scrum master is focused first on the people. Are they the best team they can be to get projects done?

Continue learning about the relationship between a scrum master and a project manager. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Can a scrum master be a developer?

This combo is very doable, but it depends on the person. Some people are great team contributors but are not good scrum masters. 

Often, people suggest the type A personality to be the Scrum Master because they seem like the typical leader type. Unfortunately, what usually happens here is that person begins to act like the team's boss, which is not the role of the scrum masters.

Learn more about the roles of a scrum team. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

What’s the right scrum team size?

With less than three, you don’t get much of the benefit of collaboration or shared momentum. More than nine, and the logistics of coordination start to eat away at the benefits of coordination.

Learn more about how a scrum team works together. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Scrum design

What are the three pillars of Scrum?

Scrum is founded on three essential pillars, and each leads the team to ask a critical question.

  1. Transparency. How does this make things more visible?
  2. Inspection. Where does this create space to evaluate?
  3. Adaptation. When does this encourage growth?

Learn how to apply the three pillars of Scrum and then explore the most common terms in a Scrum glossary.

What are the values of Scrum?

There are five values critical to the practice of Scrum: commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect.

  1. Commit to achieving the goals of the Scrum Team.
  2. Courage to do the right thing and work on challenging problems.
  3. Focus on the Sprint's work and the Scrum Team's goals.
  4. Open about all the work and the challenges with performing the work.
  5. Respect each other to be capable, independent people

Learn how to align Scrum values with your organization and then explore the most common terms in a Scrum glossary.

What is the sprint goal in scrum?

The sprint goal encapsulates the product owner’s vision into a concrete statement for the development team to measure the sprint against. The sprint goal provides a theme for the sprint’s work helping the team see how all the parts come together. 

Learn more about the role of the sprint goal in scrum and explore the essential Scrum glossary.

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