Scrum Master vs Product Owner

Wondering what the difference between a Scrum Master and a Product Owner is?

The Scrum Master and the Product Owner play critical but different roles on the Scrum team.

The Scrum Master is a master of process and an empowerer of people as they focus on maximizing the impact of the development team. They support the team by removing obstacles and representing Scrum to the rest of the organization.

The Product Owner's primary responsibility is to maximize the value delivered to the product. They take the infinite requests and possibilities and prioritize them for the finite capacity of the team. They serve as the inflection point between the development team and stakeholders

The two roles in tension

  • The Product Owner is product-focused and team-mindful while the Scrum Master is team-focused and product-mindful. They care about both but have a prioritized focus.
  • The Scrum Master protects the team’s health by balancing the product owner’s drive to complete the product with the team's long-term effectiveness.


Reflection Questions

  • What are your goals as you learn about the roles of Scrum Master and Product Owner?
  • Are you looking to grow your skills in a current role or land a new role?
  • What is your plan for learning the basics of Scrum?

If you are interested in learning Scrum or teaching it to your team, you'll want to check out Everyday Scrum. It's a guide for everyday people to learn Scrum and is written intentionally to be accessible to those practicing Scrum outside the software development space.

You may also find these infographics helpful as a summaries of the Scrum Master and Product Owner roles.

Samantha the Scrum Master
Samantha the Scrum Master
Owen the Product Owner
Owen the Product Owner

If you want to explore more Scrum related content, I have lot's of Agile and Scrum posts for you and I've highlighted a few of them below.

Scrum Basics

Scrum Roles

Scrum Books

What does it take to pass the PSM?

The Professional Scrum Master is a great first step to those learning to practice Scrum.

Our affordable self paced course will prepare you to pass the test with confidence.


Are you exploring Scrum? You know, whether you're working with a new Scrum team and you're trying to figure out what everyone does or you're looking into a career shift and trying to decide is a scrum related role right for you. Either way, you're here in the right place because today I'm going to compare the role of Scrum Master and Product Owner.

Everyone on the Scrum team has an important role to play and we don't want there to be confusion or conflict about roles. So it's good to kind of clarify what is each person do. I've played both the role of the Scrum Master and the Product Owner, even at the same time, which I want to recommend. I have a whole video about why that doesn't work super well.

I've trained both Scrum Masters and Product Owners, and I like helping people get kind of a feel for what these roles are like so they can really see which roles they might thrive in because they're different. They're different. They fit different people better. So let's dive in. All right. First, we'll start by just defining each role. All right.

Let's talk about Scrum Master. The Scrum Master is a master of process and an empower of people. They focus on maximizing the impact of the development team. They support the team by removing obstacles and representing Scrum to the rest of the organization. The Product Owner, they're primarily responsible for maximizing the value delivered to the product. So similar to the impact of the team that the Scrum Masters focus on but a little different.

They take in the Product Owner takes in the the infinite requests and possibilities for this product and they prioritize them into the finite capacity of the team. They serve really is that inflection point between the development team and the stakeholders, all of the external stakeholders. So what do the Scrum Master and the Product Owner have in common?

Well, they're both members of the Scrum team. For one, they're both leaders who direct and guide how the team delivers value. Neither are the boss. They actually have that in common. And while they have leadership roles within the Scrum Team, the members of the team don't report to either of them. That's what I mean by they're not the boss.

Like I mentioned earlier, the two roles balance each other. They kind of create a tension between them that keeps the product on track and the team healthy. So let's look at kind of two areas where this is really true. The Product Owner is product focused and team mindful, while the Scrum Master, I would say is really more team focused and product mindful.

So they each care about both the product and the team, but they kind of have a prioritized focus. You know, the Scrum Master, they're trying to protect the team's health by balancing the Product Owner's drive to complete the product. So they're balancing that that drive with the team's long term effectiveness in mind. Now, if you're wondering, you know, which of these roles might be a better fit for you?

Here's some thoughts. If you really like solving puzzles, pushing for clarity, pushing, pressing towards goals, then the role of Product Owner might be a really good fit. Now, on the other hand, if you're a methods and process person, if you enjoy teaching and coaching others, then maybe you might consider that Scrum Master role. Whatever you do, don't try and do both.

I mentioned earlier I have a whole other video explaining why that's kind of problematic. And the main just to kind of give you a little overview. The main reason is like I said before, those two roles, they are in tension with each other. So if you have if you're playing both of them, then you're in tension within yourself.

That's not sustainable. That creates confusion. Not a good plan. Don't do it. If you want again, a deeper dive into either the Scrum Master or the Product Owner role. Check out the videos for each. You can also check out the links in the description that explain each role further. Some of the differences. Some of the commonalities. How do I get certified?

All those fun things. I hope as you learn more about them, you can find a role that fits you well or better understand what each role is. If you're interested in one of the roles and want to give it a try but don't have that opportunity at work, check out in the description. There's a link to practicing scrum in your everyday life and there you'll find some just helpful applications of how to apply scrum in areas like completing home projects or personal development.

So that can give you a chance to kind of play the Scrum Master role or play the product owner in just kind of your everyday life. But I hope you found these videos helpful and that they're helping you kind of understand the different roles of Scrum Master and Product Owner, how they compare, how they're similar, how they're different.

If you have questions, put those in the comments. Would love to engage with you there. If you like this content and you found it helpful, please don't forget to like and subscribe. Thanks and I'll see you next time.

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They serve as the inflection point between the development team and stakeholders. They set the vision for the product and prioritize all product-related work.

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What does a product owner do each day?

They accomplish this goal through 5 habits:

  1. Stakeholder Relationships and Synthesis
  2. Backlog Refinement
  3. Road Mapping
  4. Sprint Vision and Goals
  5. Inspection

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Scrum master role

What is a scrum master?

The Scrum Master is a master of process and an empowerer of people as they focus on maximizing the impact of the development team. They support the team by removing obstacles and representing Scrum to the rest of the organization. 

Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of a scrum master. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Why is a scrum master called a servant leader?

A servant leader puts others’ needs first. The Scrum Master provides the team with guidance and direction (where and why, but not what and how). This approach allows the team to work with a healthy level of autonomy and agency and ensures they have the mastery and purpose needed to do their work.

Explore what it means to be a scrum master. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Why is a scrum master important?

They act as a mirror helping the team see where they are and how things are going. The scrum master protects the team’s health by balancing the product owner’s drive to complete the product with the team's long-term effectiveness.

Learn more about the role of a scrum master. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Can scrum masters work remotely?

A scrum master can definitely be remote, but with a caveat. This situation works best when the whole team is distributed. The scrum master's effectiveness will decrease if the rest of the group is co-located and they are the only remote member. 

Explore what it means to be a scrum master. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Can one person be the Scrum Master for multiple teams?

This combo is possible, depending on the experience of the teams and the frequency of obstacles you need to help remove. I’ve been the scrum master for two brand new scrum teams simultaneously. It was a bit more work at first because so much teaching was going on, though it eventually leveled out once the teams learned their new rhythm.

Learn more about what to do if you don’t have all the roles for a scrum team. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Scrum roles

What are the roles in scrum?

There are three roles in Scrum:

  1. Scrum Master 
  2. Product Owner
  3. Development Team

Learn more about the scrum roles. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

What if I don’t have all the scrum roles on my team?

You really can’t run Scrum without a product owner or scrum master, so someone will likely have to wear multiple hats. Here are some recommended combos:

  • One Scrum Master for multiple teams
  • Scrum Master + Development Team member
  • Product Owner + Development Team member

A combo you want to avoid is being both the Product Owner and Scrum Master at the same time.

Learn more about what to do if you don’t have all the scrum team roles. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Who are the stakeholders in scrum?

A scrum team has stakeholders on two sides.

  1. Organizational leaders.
  2. Customers or end-users.

Success depends on identifying and serving the goals and motivations of both groups of stakeholders. The product owner is responsible for harmonizing and prioritizing the needs of both.

Learn more about the different scrum roles. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

Is an agile coach a scrum role?

Often an agile coach serves as someone who can come in from the outside to help an organization evaluate their practice of scrum or implement it for the first time. 

An agile coach should also have competency around agile practices beyond just scrum.

Learn more about the roles in scrum or the difference between scrum and agile. Then browse the most common terms in a Scrum glossary and learn what is Scrum.

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