What Tools Do You Need To Cultivate Leaders

Probably less than you think

July 31, 2023
Garden tools

I don’t know what your job is, but if it’s anything like mine, you’d often find yourself learning to do something new. You’d also often be overwhelmed by the abundance of available and recommended tools. Does that sound familiar?

In our old house, the walls were concrete, solid concrete. When we moved there, this put a severe damper on my role in our family of playing Mr. Fixit’s. I hated it when I had to hang something on the wall. I would borrow a drill from a teammate and wear myself out, burning up the drill bit with only a tiny dent in the wall.

Two years later, a new teammate introduced me to a masonry bit. Wow! It was like magic. What a difference it made. When he moved back to the states, he gave me his drill, and I use it often. However, I still encounter parts of the wall that are still incredibly stubborn and resistant to me drilling a hole.

Later another friend showed me that my drill had a hammer setting that essentially pounds the wall into submission while creating a hole. Its important to both have the right tool for the job and be competent in using that tool.

A guide to growing servant leaders

Finding the Right Tools

Tools are abundant. You don’t need to be proficient with all of them, but there are likely a few key ones. The Pareto principle, named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, observes that about 80% of the effects usually come from 20% of the causes. Considering this, we can assume that a handful of tools cover 80% of what you do.

How do you choose these few tools? The how-to-choose question is the crux and the most challenging part of applying the Pareto principle in everyday life. This selection process is what we will need to coach others and ourselves to cultivate leaders.

So here are three steps to walk through in trying to discern which tools are the vital few.

  1. Inventory your regular activities
  2. Consider your context
  3. Observe others

Inventory Your Regular Activities

What activities are most core to the work you do? Think about what you do most often. Which pursuits usually have the most significant impact? Identifying these can be hard just off the top of your head, so grab your calendar and look at the past month. What did you do? What about the past six months or year? If you have a task management tool, review the things you’ve done and look for patterns.

We’re looking for 2-4 categories of activities. Your list doesn't need to encompass everything you do; remember, 80%. If the categories are too general, they won’t be much help to you. Try brainstorming a list of categories and then get the most specific, narrow down to 2-4, which still encompass 80% of what you do.

Consider Your Context

Not every tool is suitable for every environment, like a standard drill bit isn't the right tool for a concrete wall. Where do you work? With whom do you work? These realities will significantly influence what tools you need. What are the unique needs and strengths of your audience?

Go back to that list of activities you created in the last step, now consider what barriers you often encountered. Use these barriers to identify what functions your tools will need to perform. I talked about function and form when we looked at principles. Now that we understand the function, we can move on to form.

A 5-day journey to living from your priorities

It’s easy to spend our day reacting to what comes at us. What if you could be proactive, intentionally making decisions based on your priorities? It is possible!

Our five-day short course guides you through the process of identifying your life priorities and scaling them day to everyday decisions. You’ll learn how to establish a rhythm to build good habits and grow a team that will be with you in the journey.

Observe Others

Everybody has tools. Take time to observe others who do similar work in similar contexts and see what they use. Don’t just take it at face value but ask why they do things the way they do. Have they always done it that way? If they have made changes, how did they make that decision, and what were the results?

Be careful here. Some of the dangers include: “that looks cool,” “it worked for him,” or “I don’t have that, but I want it.” Today's culture is gadget crazy, and you have to take this into account and be cautious as you evaluate new ideas and tools. Don’t be afraid to try something new and be discerning what you adopt and pass on to others.

Here are a handful of the tools I use:

  1. Productivity: Asana, Miro, Google Workspace
  2. Communication: Slack, Zoom, Convertkit
  3. Creativity: Adobe CC, Sketchup, Byword
  4. Learning: Skillshare, LinkedIn Learning, Master Class, Coursera

I also recently reviewed six digital whiteboard tools, which you'll especially want to check out if you work on a distributed team.

Tool Minimalism

You want to keep it simple for yourself and those you lead. Start with using and teaching just one tool. You can add more or change later if needed. This simplicity preserves transferability and promotes creativity.

Taking a minimalistic approach will help you stay focused on the critical work you needed those tools for.

When I lived in Asia, many people did business out of a pushcart or a bicycle, which means they had to carry or push whatever they wanted to use. I was always impressed by how people can creatively simplify a process when a constraint is in place.

Whether physical or digital, it's so tempting to keep adding tools. But taking a minimalistic approach will help you stay focused on the critical work you needed those tools for. I've seen people and organizations burn incredible amounts of time on tool maintenance for tools they could have downsized.

So get out there and try this; better yet, involve your team in it.

Action Plan

Questions for reflection:

  1. When was a time you tried to use the wrong tool for a job?
  2. Have you ever accumulated a collection of tools just because you liked having them?
  3. What tool have you seen has the most significant impact on you in cultivating leaders?

Frequently Asked Questions

Team Leadership

What is team leadership?

Team leadership is a management approach focused on leading and guiding a group of individuals working together towards a common goal. A team leader is responsible for providing direction, support, and guidance to the team members, while fostering a positive and productive work environment.

Team leadership involves setting clear goals and expectations for the team, communicating effectively, and building trust and relationships with team members. It also involves empowering team members to take ownership of their work and contribute their unique skills and perspectives to the team's success.

Some key characteristics of effective team leadership include:

  1. Communication: Team leaders communicate clearly and effectively with their team members, keeping them informed about goals, expectations, and progress.
  2. Vision and strategy: Effective team leaders have a clear vision for what they want to achieve and a strategy for how to get there, while also being flexible and adaptable when necessary.
  3. Empowerment: Good team leaders empower their team members to make decisions and take ownership of their work, while also providing support and guidance as needed.
  4. Trust-building: Team leaders build trust and strong relationships with their team members, creating a positive and productive work environment.
  5. Results-oriented: Finally, effective team leaders are results-oriented, focusing on achieving goals and driving performance while also valuing the well-being and development of their team members.

Overall, team leadership is a collaborative and empowering approach to management that values communication, trust-building, and results-driven performance.

Learn more about leadership.

What are the different styles of team leadership?

There are several different styles of team leadership, including:

  1. Democratic leadership: In this style, the leader encourages open communication and participation from all team members in decision-making processes.
  2. Autocratic leadership: This style involves the leader making decisions and taking control over the team's direction, often with little input from team members.
  3. Transformational leadership: This style focuses on inspiring and motivating team members to achieve their full potential, often by setting a clear vision and communicating goals effectively.
  4. Servant leadership: A servant leader prioritizes the needs of their team members, focusing on serving and empowering them to achieve their goals.
  5. Laissez-faire leadership: In this style, the leader provides minimal guidance or direction, allowing team members to take ownership of their work and make decisions independently.
  6. Transactional leadership: This style involves setting clear goals and expectations for team members and providing rewards or discipline based on performance.
  7. Situational leadership: This approach involves adapting one's leadership style to fit the specific situation or needs of the team at any given time.

Overall, each style of team leadership has its own strengths and weaknesses, and effective leaders may use a combination of different styles depending on the situation and the needs of their team.

Learn more about leadership.

What are the different skills required for team leadership?

There are several key skills required for effective team leadership, including:

  1. Clear: Team leaders must be to communicate effectively with their team members, setting clear expectations and goals, providing feedback, and keeping everyone informed about progress and changes.
  2. Active listening: Leaders need to be able to listen actively to their team members, hear their concerns, ideas, and suggestions, and work collaboratively to find solutions.
  3. Empathy: Good team leaders value empathy, recognizing and understanding the perspectives of their team members, and working to build trust and strong relationships
  4. Decision-making: Leaders must be able to make informed decisions based on available information and input from team members, while also being decisive when necessary.
  5. Problem-solving: Effective team leaders must be able to identify and solve problems that arise within the team, working collaboratively to find creative and effective solutions.
  6. Motivation and empowerment: Leaders must be able to motivate and empower their team members to take ownership of their work, overcome challenges, and achieve their full potential.
  7. Delegation and management: Team leaders must be able to delegate tasks effectively, manage resources and timelines, and oversee the work of the team to ensure quality and efficiency.

Overall, effective team leadership requires a combination of interpersonal, decision-making, and management skills, as well as the ability to inspire and empower team members to work collaboratively towards shared goals.

Learn more about leadership.

What is servant leadership?

Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy and management style that emphasizes the importance of serving others first before considering one's own needs and desires. It's an approach to leadership that focuses on the well-being and growth of others, rather than solely on achieving organizational goals.

A servant leader prioritizes the needs of their followers or team members, providing them with support, guidance, and mentorship. They are committed to empowering their team members to reach their full potential and achieve their goals.

Some common characteristics of servant leaders include:

  1. Empathy: Servant leaders value empathy, placing themselves in the shoes of their followers to better understand their needs and motivations.
  2. Listening: They are active listeners, taking the time to listen to their followers' concerns, feedback, and ideas.
  3. Commitment to development: Servant leaders prioritize the growth and development of their followers, providing opportunities for learning and development.
  4. Humility: They recognize their own limitations and seek input from others to make informed decisions.
  5. Stewardship: Servant leaders view themselves as stewards of their organization, working to create a positive impact for all stakeholders.

Overall, servant leadership is about creating a supportive and empowering environment for others to thrive. By prioritizing the needs of their followers, a servant leader can inspire trust, loyalty, and commitment, ultimately leading to better outcomes for the organization as a whole.

Learn more about how to cultivate servant leadership.

Servant Leadership

What is servant leadership?

Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy and management style that emphasizes the importance of serving others first before considering one's own needs and desires. It's an approach to leadership that focuses on the well-being and growth of others, rather than solely on achieving organizational goals.

A servant leader prioritizes the needs of their followers or team members, providing them with support, guidance, and mentorship. They are committed to empowering their team members to reach their full potential and achieve their goals.

Some common characteristics of servant leaders include:

  1. Empathy: Servant leaders value empathy, placing themselves in the shoes of their followers to better understand their needs and motivations.
  2. Listening: They are active listeners, taking the time to listen to their followers' concerns, feedback, and ideas.
  3. Commitment to development: Servant leaders prioritize the growth and development of their followers, providing opportunities for learning and development.
  4. Humility: They recognize their own limitations and seek input from others to make informed decisions.
  5. Stewardship: Servant leaders view themselves as stewards of their organization, working to create a positive impact for all stakeholders.

Overall, servant leadership is about creating a supportive and empowering environment for others to thrive. By prioritizing the needs of their followers, a servant leader can inspire trust, loyalty, and commitment, ultimately leading to better outcomes for the organization as a whole.

Learn more about how to cultivate servant leadership.

How can servant leadership be beneficial in the workplace?

Servant leadership can be beneficial in the workplace in a number of ways, including:

  1. Improved employee engagement and job satisfaction: When employees feel supported, valued, and empowered by their leaders, they tend to be more engaged and satisfied with their work.
  2. Increased collaboration and teamwork: Servant leaders prioritize communication, collaboration, and trust-building, which can lead to stronger relationships and more effective teamwork.
  3. Higher levels of productivity and innovation: When leaders empower their team members to take ownership of their work and contribute their ideas, it can lead to higher levels of productivity and innovation.
  4. Reduced turnover and absenteeism: Employees who feel supported and valued are less likely to leave their jobs or call in sick, leading to reduced turnover and absenteeism rates.
  5. Improved organizational culture: Servant leadership can create a positive organizational culture that values growth, development, and well-being for all stakeholders, which can lead to improved morale and outcomes.

Overall, servant leadership can lead to a more positive, productive, and fulfilling workplace environment, benefiting both employees and the organization as a whole.

Learn more about how to cultivate servant leadership.

How does servant leadership differ from other leadership styles?

Servant leadership differs from many other leadership styles in several key ways:

  1. Focus on serving others: Servant leaders prioritize the needs and well-being of their followers over their own interests, while many other leadership styles focus more on achieving organizational goals.
  2. Empathy and listening skills: Servant leaders value empathy and active listening skills to better understand the needs and perspectives of their followers, while some other leadership styles may be more focused on asserting authority or making decisions without input from others.
  3. Collaboration and teamwork: Servant leaders prioritize collaboration and teamwork, seeking to empower and develop their followers to achieve their full potential, while other leadership styles may be more focused on competition or individual achievement.
  4. Humility and accountability: Servant leaders view themselves as stewards of their organization, prioritizing the well-being of all stakeholders and taking responsibility for their decisions, while some other leadership styles may be more focused on personal ambition or avoiding blame.

Overall, servant leadership is characterized by a focus on serving others, prioritizing empathy and collaboration, and taking a humble and accountable approach to leadership. While other leadership styles may be effective in different contexts, servant leadership can be a powerful tool for creating positive change and empowering others to reach their full potential.

Learn more about how to cultivate servant leadership.

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